Monday, July 8, 2019

Suicidal Ideation..


I get it. It took me years to understand how people become so helpless & feel they have no other option but to end their lives. I get it COMPLETELY.  I have suffered with suicidal ideation for so many years, and after suffering from clinical depression from 19, and generalised anxiety disorder at 14 - suicide has plagued me.  As I've gotten older and suffered pre & post natal depression, being admitted at 35 weeks pregnant for suicidal thoughts & a 'plan' - I had almost all but given up.

Mental health is shamed.  It is stigmatized.  It's almost like you're not allowed to be 'mentally ill' because it's not 'visible' and you look 'fine'.  Fuck stigma.  Mental health is REAL.  It's scary, it's lonely and especially when your loved ones don't want to know or understand the depth of where your brain is.  It's taken me a long time to accept that something that happened to me at 17 was out of my control and I've finally begun to heal.  That's 22 years of being shaded by this event, and I refuse to give it anymore of my life.

As I am struggling with dissociation through borderline personality disorder (BPD), it's one of the most difficult things I've ever dealt with since my diagnosis 5 years ago.  It's flared for a reason.. Something is not 'right'.  I am having this horrible 'am I alive or looking in at my life, dead?' - it certainly doesn't do anything for someone that has suffered from self harm since the tender age of 13.  Something of which I knew nothing about.  It wasn't in encyclopedias, in the 'news' we certainly didn't have internet, so I kept my arms & legs covered every day - even in summer.

I'm not looking for sympathy.  I'm looking for understanding.  Everybody deals with things differently, everyone's brains are different.  I wish mine wasn't broken.  I wish I hadn't had that first anxiety attack at 14.  I wish a lot of things.  I just hope one day we can all treat each other with respect no matter what is wrong with us.  Mental health problems are 'illnesses' whether people like to admit it or not.  Just because my brain doesn't function like yours doesn't mean you throw me away or stop caring.

Until next time, be kind x

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